As an Associate Professor,
I teach Literature and Performances as well as Culture and Translation classes in French and in English.
I also teach mask acting and mask making, commedia dell’arte and cabaret performances.

As a Performer and Stage Director, I specialize in non-traditional acting and interpretative dancing forms, focusing on the mask.
In 2020, I became the artistic director of SapassousakasS Theater Company. The company tours and directs workshops in Europe, Canada and the USA
Degrees earned at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland - Department of French and Italian
2010 Ph.D in French and Performance Studies "Theatricality: analysis of a critical notion across three
media: the libertine novel, orientalist painting and cinema (18th, 19th and 20th centuries)." [La
Théâtralité: analyse d'une notion critique à travers trois médiums: le roman libertin, la peinture
orientaliste et le cinéma (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)]
2005 M.A in French Literature and Performance Studies
Degrees earned at the Université Marc Bloch/Strasbourg II (France)
2004 M.A in French Literature and Drama Studies [Maîtrise en
Lettres Modernes]
2003 B.A in French Literature [Licence-ès-Lettres Modernes]
2003 B.A in Drama Studies [Licence en Études Théâtrales]
Degrees earned at the Université de Metz (France)
2002 Associate’s Degree in French Literature [DEUG de Lettres
2002 Associate’s Degree in History [DEUG d’Histoire]
Preparatory Class for Ecole Normale Supérieure [Études
Supérieures en Classe Préparatoire, Lycée Georges de la
Tour, Metz, France]
2001 Camp Counselor Certification [Brevet d’Aptitude à la
Fonction d’Animateur (B.A.F.A)]
2000 Baccalauréat, High School Diploma with a concentration in literature and drama [Baccalauréat, série
Littéraire, option lourde et facultative théâtre, Lycée Chopin, Nancy, France. Mention A.B]
2020- International University Theatre Association (IUTA).
2019-21 American Association of University Professors (AAUP), JMU chapter.
2016- James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA). Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures
and Cultures.
Associate Professor. Director of the study abroad program in Nice, France.
2013-15 University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA). Department of French.
Lecturer. Summer Study Abroad Program in Lyon, France.
2006-15 Georgetown University (Washington, DC). French department.
Summer Study Abroad Program in Tours, France. Director’s assistant.
2012 Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove, PA). Department of Modern Languages.
Visiting Assistant Professor of French.
2012 Institut de Touraine (Tours, France).
2012 Northern Virginia Community College (Alexandria, VA), World Languages Program.
Adjunct Professor of French.
2012 University of Maryland (College Park, MD). School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Adjunct Professor of French.
2011 Trinity Washington University (Washington, DC). Language and Cultural Studies.
Adjunct Professor of French.
2011 McGraw-Hill. Research Assistant for the French Textbook Deux Mondes: A Natural Approach (McGraw-Hill, 2011)
2011 Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). Department of Modern Languages and
Adjunct Professor of French.
2011 George Mason University (Fairfax, VA). Department of Modern and Classical Languages.
Adjunct Professor of French.
2005-10 University of Maryland (College Park, MD). School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Teaching Assistant and Research Fellow.
2003-04 Middlebury College (Middlebury, VT). Summer French School.
Teaching Assistant.